Batgirl’s Calling (Part 5)

The Siren and her Hummingbird competitively celebrate their recent victory.

Note: Inspired by AI Illustrations by TheSirenSpell

Deep in the pristine depths of Wayne Manor, the gentle sound of a harp ran through the once-dark corridors, almost a haunting echo crashed against the shadows seeking justice. Those shadows were extinguished in a wicked, melodic light, tracing back to a study filled with two ecstatic occupants. One was the famous singer, Lorelei Circe, known as the Siren to her enemies and worshipers, and the other was the former heroine Batgirl, shown a different path by the convincing Siren that led Barbara Gordon to done a new caped persona, the Hummingbird. Both had achieved the insurmountable achievement of defeating Batman and Robin, enslaving the dynamic duo with the combined audio-sorcery of a more powerful dazzling duo.

Their dual identities uncovered, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’Hara resided in the Batcave sitting conveniently beneath Wayne Manor; each man reclined silently in a seat, enjoying the enhanced gifts of the Siren’s ensorcelling song and Hummingbird’s lulling hums, laced with decadent, matriarchal commands ensuring obedience and total deference to the mistresses of the house.

Gingerly playing her harp, Lorelei enjoyed a rapturous moment, soaking in the still-mystifying epiphany of outsmarting Batman. Barbara’s smile was surprisingly more wicked than Lorelei’s for once, still in a hunter’s mode after the conquest a full day ago.

“How does it feel to be the new Mistress of Gotham?” Barbara asked knowingly, shocking the singer out of the daydream she hoped truly wasn’t one.

Blinking once, Lorelei woke herself back into a seductress mode. “Simply marvelous, dear, though I think you can tell the surreal nature of it all takes time to adapt to,” she admitted to her slave and protege, surprised that she was willing to open up about it, even to her now most-trusted subordinate. “And how does it feel for you to be a co-Mistress of Gotham?”

Barbara blinked herself as the thought hadn’t occurred to her that such a title could ever be available; the old Barbara would have never entertained the thought, and even Hummingbird shared a key perspective with Batgirl on this topic. “’Surreal’ is the right word. I never thought such a thing could be a thing, if that makes sense. As much as I love conquering with my skills like you do, I just love the hunt most of all, bringing the vulnerable down, knowing at that final moment that they’re mine.”

An eyebrow almost raised at the honest account, widening Lorelei’s smile a bit as she backed away from her harp, only to reach out and hold Barbara’s chin lightly, anchored by the conditioned need to keep contact with the Siren’s gratifying touch. Pulled all the way to one of many mirrors Siren had installed in more rooms for the sake of vanity, Barbara gasped as her head was pulled down to height below the resplendent singer, and watched sinister lips part in order to belt out another note two octaves above High C. An anticipatory sigh let out Barbara’s own parted lips as Lorelei returned to a knowing smile.

“And how does it feel to serve the new Mistress of Gotham?”

Momentarily reduced to a simpering junkie for sonic slavery, blooming submissiveness spoke for the purple-clad woman. “A never-ending dream, the happiest ending to a fairy tale. I feel like I need your Siren’s song to keep me dreaming and sleeping under your spell…”

Craning her neck down, Lorelei brought her lips to Barbara’s, kissing her slave with fervor before pulling away all too soon, laughing ahead of an unsatisfied whine; the annoying sound ceased as Lorelei opened her mouth again to tease another siren note that never came.

“Perhaps your dream will continue, if you’re good,” a tap to Hummingbird’s nose finished her point. “But achieving our ultimate dream still requires more work ahead. Thanks to you, I didn’t prematurely kill Bruce Wayne, whose millions I completely own, and whose body will serve as a ‘crimefighter’ under new management, if I deem it necessary. In the meantime though, Batgirl still has a fair bit of public appearances to make, cleaning up the crime Batman won’t, centering Gotham’s trust in you, destroying pitiful rivals who think they can best me now.”

“Hmmmmmmm,” Barbara snuck up from behind, happy to see her trademark hum of interest creating a slight blush in the silver-clad temptress. “Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman, all those who used to look beneath you, to use you for their own plans, succumbing to hymns under our plans, under your inspiration and my influence.”

“A hymn?” Lorelei questioned, curious as to Barbara’s enterprising savvy.

“A song of praise to entice and direct,” the smiling definition explained.

“To the glory of Goddess, yes?” Lorelei sought clarification.

“Yes, to the glory of Goddess,” Barbara whispered in Lorelei’s ear sensually. Years of operatic training formed a keen ear for parsing emotions and intent in vocal chords as skillfully as criminologists read body language; the mix of fascination and breathlessness spoken made it hard to judge how much domination could’ve been there, or if that was intentional.

“Hymns of the Hummingbird sounds simply smashing, love,” a loving touch made contact with Barbara’s cheek, beholden to it and the dramatic turn Siren made, symbolically lowering Batgirl half a head beneath Lorelei’s leaning height. She saw Barbara’s attempt to concentrate and keep from swooning outright, failing to do so as the index finger traveled downwards, giving Hummingbird’s body silent orders.

“All those suited and spandex fools on their knees before me sounds so right, so inevitable. I’ll allow them a moment of consciousness to find themselves kneeling next to Batman, Robin, and their cohorts, knowing their wrung is beneath me. And they’ll all be sung to jealousy knowing where you are, kneeling directly in-front of me…” falling all the way to the yellow bat symbol on her chest, Barbara’s legs felt the need to give out, to expressly enact the suggestions sweetly delivered.

“They’ll know that you are my exalted slave, above them and the first to always be blessed with my song. You will sing hymns to them inspiring praise to be worthy of my notes, because that is what they will be. That is what you are, my Hummingbird…”

Lorelei smirked as Barbara legs had yet to take the full hint of where she was supposed to be.

Before she could press down on the bat symbol to directly instill a command, Lorelei was shocked to feel Barbara jolt up and take the singer into her strong arms. Temporarily stunned herself, it took her a moment to catch up to the meaning of the sudden act. Ever since giving Barbara a sense of dominance, autonomy on a shortened leash, and a sense of initiative, Siren allowed herself some self-doubt about her decision. It was the smartest tactic into permanently-leashing Batgirl, not keeping her totally passive, but she knew from experience how clever all the bats and birds were, always keeping one eye open for signs of rebellion or trickery. Constant high notes sung and pleasurable experiences ever conditioned the former daredoll, but subconsciously like all Gotham villains, she was waiting for the moment when things would turn on her.

To her surprise, the real worry resided not in a Batgirl trying to reassert herself, but a Hummingbird ever-spreading her wings to see if a Siren could also be taken under them. Cautions pride filled the singer as she was held, seeing the only thing Barbara was fighting was how much domination to dispense to do to Lorelei was Lorelei so expertly did before.

“Your plan is a wonderful one, Mistress,” Hummingbird stated in a reverent voice, strategically keeping herself lower in stature like the Siren liked, smiling arduously as the Siren only smiled reactively. “But I worry that getting to those fools won’t be as easy as simply walking into their lairs and singing them into submission. With most of them, you easily could I suppose, but you should never forget how you took down your most prized possession,” Barbara emphasized who the most prized was by pulling Lorelei closer, almost giving a kiss. Barbara enjoyed the breathless sigh from the English woman, before pulling away, letting go but remaining in her personal space, getting lost in contemplation.

“Because when you think about it, a plan was needed to bring your possession exactly where you wanted her. I certainly didn’t have one when I confronted you that day; why did I need one against you, thinking I was invulnerable, ridiculously-sure of my victory. It seemed so ridiculous to think that you could bring me down, that your song would become the sound that continues to echo through me, reshaping me into magnificence. It took planning and thoughtful execution to pull that off, as it will going forward, just as it did with my hums that became hymns, that becomes subjects feeling undone…”

A gloved finger toyed with the material holding Siren’s dress up, finding no resistance in what Hummingbird’s fingers were doing. The wigged-redhead wondered if her Mistress was aware of what was really happening, aware of the recording playing in the background since before Siren started casually playing with her harp. Just as it happened to all the males below ground, and happened to her, Lorelei Circe was being exposed to a subliminal noise that steadily grew in volume, giving way to the sound of Hummingbird’s hum, followed up with the suggestive hymns producing unsure smiles gaining confidence.

“Hmmmmmmmm,” Barbara intoned, joining the chorus of the now-audible white noise hum crooning to Lorelei, “did you ever imagine a hum to be so powerful? Did you ever imagine my hum to be so powerful. It fills me with constant joy to know you saw that kind of potential in me, to know that I didn’t have to be just what Batman was like, I could be what you were like. I could into a room and end an argument about control and obedience before it even started; I could win a war without ever letting anyone battle or raise up their arms. How could anything rise when a simple hmmmmmmm urges them to let such notions fall away, and their strength and thoughts not far behind. Where there is a will, there is a way. And where there is a hmmmmm, there is a hymn to cement what shall become of the lulled subject hearing it.”

Hummingbird almost wanted to laugh at how simple this was, how fun it felt to turn the tables on the Siren and give her a taste of her own medicine. Where Batgirl would’ve enjoyed the moment more after slapping batcuffs on her, Hummingbird was enjoying the mental incarceration shaping the space where Lorelei stood in silence, listening, just waiting to hear more. Siren’s gloating explanation of using standard hypnosis techniques to drive the initial takedown home made a huge impression on Barbara, enough that she would ensure her Mistress would never forget it, even if who became Mistress over time would change. Stroking a few locks of Lorelei’s hair, she would make sure she would take care of the songstress with the same sincerity and zeal would’ve done for her.

“How do you suppose I will defeat Joker in the future? Hmmmmmmm…probably trapping him a hymn of something preplanned, eventually watching that ridiculous smiling face fade and fade and fade into a lost look. Those signature laughs of his will fade into soft sighs, giving up all control to the Hummingbird, allowing your Siren song to deepen our control later. Can you hear those sighs, Lorelei? What do they sound like?”

Siren took a deep breath, and followed it up with the same sigh imagined.

“How do you suppose I will defeat Penguin in the future? Hmmmmmmmm…probably with a hymn of enticement. A business proposal for a heist, making him an unrefusable offer, slowly delivering terms to him that would sound better and better. Those insipid squawks of his would grow quieter and quieter, until his mind became smooth as ice, resolve melted away later by your song controlling the savage beast. Can you hear those sighs, Lorelei. What do they sound like?”

Another deep breath elicited a relaxing sigh, and Siren’s shoulders almost slumped as Hummingbird held her up, helping her to sit comfortably near her harp.

“And if a Siren, a veritable goddess like yourself could be defeated, how do you suppose that would happen? Hmmmmmmmmm…” Barbara allowed herself an unbidden smile, enjoying Lorelei closing her eyes to soak up the words guiding her towards a disposition Barbara knew all too well. “You would bestow upon this glorious woman of immeasurable beauty a tribute meant for her and no other living creature – a hypnotic hymn of praise. Only she could understand what it means to utter a sound or a command that strikes into the very soul of a person, piercing everything in her way. Only she would be worthy of such praise, hearing the kind of words that intend not only to correctly compliment, but to flatter and make her feel so very good, to allow her to rest in the confines of her own power, to know that such power is a mix of her own shared with the kind she has inspired, a hummmmmmmmmming sound that soothes the Siren soul, supports and cares for her while it handles mundane tasks, like ruling Gotham in her place. How good does that feel Lorelei? How wonderful is that sigh that escapes the Siren’s lips? Show Hummingbird what that sigh sounds like.”

After a deep breath, inhaling air close to the full capacity of her lungs, a piercing sigh left Lorelei’s lips, as the sigh became a Siren’s song that overpowered every other sound in the vicinity. Hummingbird’s smile was almost as frozen as her mind had become, wondering how her plans were circumvented so effectively, but enjoying the cause of it beyond measure. The note felt endless as the sound still emerged from Siren’s lips; Barbara was thankfully sitting already, unable to keep herself from falling out of the chair if gravity decided, as the Siren song decided her body shouldn’t care about being upright, just listening and drowning in the hypnotic song.

“What a true hymn of praise that was, a testament to my musings, and to the Siren song that needs no introduction to that mind that knows it belongs to me.”

Something in Barbara’s expression flickered as she was aware enough to notice that the note was still being uttered, and yet Lorelei’s words pierced the noise, clearly-heard and as powerful as the note. A warped perception showed stationary lips singing and moving lips speaking simultaneously; logic quickly ran to the song merely echoing, but it never lost it’s strength from where she helplessly sat. The feat of such sorcery shook Barbara in tantalizing ways as she let the spell weave itself completely over her.

“If there’s one thing you bats have taught me, it’s never to be afraid to have contingencies in place. By virtue of loathing hard work, I bloody hate contingencies typically. But I must say, establishing one within you, making you believe mine was yours, pays very appropriate, very amusing dividends in the end.”

Forced to look up at her, Barbara felt the high C note combining with her words, a tone setting in place to rise and fall with every syllable and intonation, turning a single pitch into a captivating symphony.

“You have no idea how entertaining it continues to be, playing you like a harp even when I know you’re mine. Perhaps the clever, conniving side of you will never fully go away, but it will always know how to serve me well. Watching you as I play my harp, seeing you behind bars, trapped in the melodies that give you the key to lock yourself away for me.”

Despite the transformation of sound, Siren still managed to give a separate note that dulled Barbara’s senses momentarily before the after-effect set her senses on fire, turning everything around her into a product of Lorelei’s imagination where both were virtually the same, except part of Wayne Manor now turned into a dancing hall.

“I will have this dance, just as I have you, love” Siren told Hummingbird, making Barbara stand and float along in Lorelei’s capable hands.

“And as we dance our little dance of domination, I hope you fancy a query, love. What if a lowly college student turned herself into a silly, crime-fighting vigilante, who then was turned into a considerably-manipulative villainess could be defeated, how do you suppose that would happen?”

Barbara didn’t seem to mind the elongated hum replaced with another high C.

“Of course by now you know the answer is, how could it not happen? Taking cues from inspirational figure after another, from your father, to your idol, to your Mistress, you’ve come into roles that made you the woman you are, that remade you into the slave you are. But unlike the men in your life who assume you should and will follow their path, I will not leave your destiny to assumptions or societal expectations; I will never leave you under the illusion that there is another path for you to take but mine.”

“In the sea of uncertainty, you were so lost, following set stars and constellations, wayward winds and tides, always following the beat of someone else’s path, looking for any port to rest yourself in. You had no idea that all that time, everything before was merely a precursor, merely another step to take before you found your true calling. Because one day, on those unsure seas, the Siren did call to you, holding you in her soft embrace, pressing her ample bosom against yours, owning you from afar, informing you that destiny was finally ready to receive you, to place you in my clutches.”

As they danced close, Barbara was powerless to follow and smile, recalling the course of her life in the most poetic way yet described by Lorelei, spoken with the weight of the ocean itself that she dived into, simply because it was Lorelei’s ocean, and she was merely sinking into it.

“From across the sea, you answered the call, anchored to a sound it took time to fully appreciate, to hear all the lyrics that inspired shedding the batty girl and becoming Hummingbird I saw in you, to unleash the power within you. But with that power came a strange desire to be leashed as well, to extend my song to anyone who would listen, to extend my power to all that I set my eyes upon. To be spellbinding, but spellbound to me. To be tempting, but surrendered to your temptress. To sing, and to drown in ensorcelling songs. You know that your power only extends to me to make me stronger, better, and more in-control of you. Isn’t that right, my Hummingbird?”

Lorelei kissed Barbara deeply, not waiting for an answer, rewarding her as the answer was ingrained deep inside of her, more than ever before.

Their dance moved slower and slower as Lorelei eventually held Barbara from behind, rocking them together as if they were at sea, along the waves serving as hypnotic words.

Truthfully, Barbara didn’t know how deeply Lorelei might’ve been affected by her earlier induction. And Lorelei never planned on letting her know what effect she might’ve had, ensuring at least the illusion of being in total control.

“One day, I should really think about a better costume for a Hummingbird, but I have to say I’m still in-love with dominating a bat. As blind as you are, you must call out with your eco-locating, humming your way to me. And as you hum, what comes back to you is not what you’d expect, but what you crave…”

Another piercing note took hold of Barbara, exploring new depths within the ocean Lorelei poured into her.

“And if you’re feeling the same cravings I am, I suggest we continue this dance in Bruce Wayne’s bedroom? What do you say to that, love?”

Barbara blinked, knowing she was supposed to answer that question considerately with the way it was asked.

“Hmmmmmmmmmm…” Barbara answered, pausing both before someone awakened to giggling, as they moved hand-in-hand to sing passionate songs for the remainder of the evening.

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